48 Cases Found:
Date of Offense: May 2, 1905
- Victim Name: Beard, Charles
- DefendantName: Murphy, Jeff
- Address: at N.W. corner Lake st and Michigan Av.
- Case Number: at N.W. corner Lake st and Michigan Av.
- Case Description:
Date of Offense: April 19, 1905
- Victim Name: Carlsbrony, C.J.
- DefendantName: Borsian, Paul
- Address: Princeton Ave. & 31st St.
- Case Number: Princeton Ave. & 31st St.
- Case Description: Carlsbronx, C.J. 3# years old, blacksmith, died in Washington Park Hospital. Assaulted April 19, at Princeton Av. and 31st St., by supposed union pickets. Paul Borsian and John Rose arrested. 6th Prect. borsian released on writ of habeas corpus, May 1, by Judge Chystraus. Charles Gilhooley, Charles J. Casey, Henry J. Newman, George Miller, Edward Farley, and Mark Looney arrested, 10th Prect. Frank Novak arrested May 14. Charles Casey arrested and held without bail as accessory, May 15. Coroner's verdict death from pneumonia. Above parties held for conspiracy and assault. (Not Murder, died of Pneumonia) (See Clipping book Vol. 10, page 97) (Novak indictment quashed, March 30, 1907).
Date of Offense: May 16, 1905
- Victim Name: Carlson, Enoch
- DefendantName: Gordon, Edward
- Address: Princeton Ave. & 27th St,
- Case Number: Princeton Ave. & 27th St,
- Case Description: Carlson, Enoch, 8 yrs., fatally shot, Princeton av. and 27th St. by negro strike breaker. ____ Ballinger and ___ Jones arrested. 3d Prect. Edward Gordon, col'd, held as principal and Granville Harris and John Tyler, both col'd, held as accessories May 24, by coroner's jury. Edward Gordon "no bill" by Grand Jury, July 1905. No bill for all. John Tyler arrested May 6, 1906 and turned over to Sheriff. 19th Prect. Gordon and Tyler acquitted July 12, 1906.(Edward Gordon and John Tyler, col'd, indicted Jan. 30, 1906.)
Date of Offense: February 28, 1910
- Victim Name: Cerny, Charles
- DefendantName: Beyer, David
- Address: 1284 Clybourn Ave.
- Case Number: 1284 Clybourn Ave.
- Case Description: Cerny, Charles, 40 yrs. died in Alexian Bros. Hospital. Shot at 11 P.M. Feb. 28, at 1284 Clybourn Av., by David Beyer, foreman of Brennen's bakery. Labor trouble. Beyer was arrested. 39th Prect. Held by Cor. Jury 3/8/10 - 4/1910 - No bill G. Jury. No bill by May Grand Jury.
Date of Offense: November 10, 1894
- Victim Name: Doyle, James
- DefendantName: Burgess, H.K.
- Address: new Marquette Building
- Case Number: new Marquette Building
- Case Description: Doyle, James, fatally shot at new Marguette Building, by H.K. Burgess, who was arrested and held, but discharged by Grand Jury. Labor troubles.
Date of Offense: November 24, 1900
- Victim Name: Frness, Henry
- DefendantName: Kilroy, James, Pickles
- Address: 22nd and Morgan sts.
- Case Number: 22nd and Morgan sts.
- Case Description: Frness, Henry, woodworker, (non-union) shot dead, 22d and Morgan Sts., by supposed strikers James Kilroy, alias Pickles, arrested and held to Grand Jury, acquitted by jury in C.C. (Judge Brentano) Feb. 4, 1903, and arrested on charge of robbery. John Graves wanted. John, alias "Red" Graves, arrested in Cleveland, Ohio, June 26, 190#. Nolle Pros. March 9, 1909.
Date of Offense: February 12, 1903
- Victim Name: Gates, Samuel
- DefendantName: Covent, A.H.
- Address:
- Case Number:
- Case Description: Gates, Samuel, 6 Water St., commission merchant, died home 111 Ho### St., from assault committed Feb. 12, at C. M & St. L. freight house by union teamster, name unknown. Mr. Gates drove a wagon of Peter Fox Louis Co., to the depot for a case of eggs and the man who assaulted him disputed his right to drive a team. A.H. Covent charged with the crime surrendered at Harrison St. Station, Feb. 19, and held by Coroner's Jury Feb. 24. Found guilty by jury in C.C. (Judge McEwan) June 5, 1903. Died (pnuemonia) in Co. Jail, Jan. 11, 1904.
Date of Offense: August 13, 1884
- Victim Name: Hick, Henry
- DefendantName: Smith, William
- Address: Desplaines & Hubbard sts.
- Case Number: Desplaines & Hubbard sts.
- Case Description: Hick, Henry, Union stove moulder, shot dead by one of a party of non-union men from Cribben & Sexton's foundry, who were attacked by strikers at Desplaines and Hubbard Sts. William Smith and Fred Meyenfeldt arrested.
Date of Offense: April 16, 1905
- Victim Name: Klaxon, Peter
- DefendantName:
- Address:
- Case Number:
- Case Description: Klaxon, Peter, 35 yrs., died in Alexian Bros. [St. Elizabeth's] Hospital from assault committed April 16 in front of Montgomery Ward & Cos store where he was delivering goods by unknown men supposed to be striking teamsters. Coroner's verdict, May 1, 1905, "death from fatty degeneration of the heard, auperinduced by use of alcoholic stimulants." Not Homicide, see coroner.
Date of Offense: May 22, 1887
- Victim Name: Mackey, Daniel
- DefendantName: English, James
- Address: Indiana st. near Hoyne Ave.
- Case Number: Indiana st. near Hoyne Ave.
- Case Description: Mackey, Daniel, 23 years old, shot dead in dispute over labor trouble, Indiana St. near Hoyne Av., by James English, a street car conductor, whom Mackey assaulted. He was arrested. West Chicago Av. Station.
Date of Offense: April 25, 1900
- Victim Name: Miller
- DefendantName: Baster, M.S.
- Address: Racine and Oakdale Ave.
- Case Number: Racine and Oakdale Ave.
- Case Description: Miller, Peter, teamster, 24 years old, shot dead. Racine and Oakdale Avs., by H.S. Baster, Dept. of Baker & Vawter Printing Co., who in company with two employees of above Co., were assaulted by Miller and three companions at above location. John McGuire, one of Miller's associates was also shot by Baster, who was arrested. 41st Prect. Labor trouble. Raster was exonerated by Coroner's Jury on ground of self defense but was rearrested May 24, on warrant sworn out by Peter Miller's brother. Held in bonds of $10,000 July 13, by Justice Hoglund. Acquitted in Judge Kavanagh's court, Nov. 29, 1900.
Date of Offense: June 28, 1903
- Victim Name: Mullen, Thomas
- DefendantName:
- Address: 986 Clybourn Ave
- Case Number: 986 Clybourn Ave
- Case Description: Mullen, Thomas, employee Illinois Malleable Iron Co., died in Alexian Hosp. Assaulted June 28, in saloon, 986 Clybourn av., by two men, supposed strikers. 41st Prect.
Date of Offense: April 5, 1904
- Victim Name:
- DefendantName:
- Address: near 38th st.
- Case Number: near 38th st.
- Case Description: Nichols, George, union man, shot dead while attacking non-union Greek employees of American Can Co., who were being brought in on C.&A. train near 38th Sts. Coroner's jury exonerated all concerned in defense.
Date of Offense: July 11, 1894
- Victim Name: O'Connor, P.
- DefendantName: Downey, W.J.
- Address: 12th and Halsted sts.
- Case Number: 12th and Halsted sts.
- Case Description: O'Connor, P., fatally shot, 12th and Halsted Sts., by W.J. Downey, of the State militia, who was arrested. (During great railroad strike).
Date of Offense: January 9, 1900
- Victim Name: O'Brien, Roger
- DefendantName: Maun, David
- Address: Wentworth near 38th st.
- Case Number: Wentworth near 38th st.
- Case Description: O'Brien, Roger, 35 years old, fatally shot, Wentworth Av., near 38th St., in a fight with non-union sewer laborers. Four arrests. 19th Prect. David Maun and Jerry Trombly held to Grand Jury, Jan. 9, by Coroner's Jury. O'Brien died in Mercy Hospital on Jan. 8.
Date of Offense: January 24, 1900
- Victim Name: O'Connor, Edward
- DefendantName: Mengel, Julius
- Address: Chicago Ave & Wood st.
- Case Number: Chicago Ave & Wood st.
- Case Description: O'Connor, Edward A., 28 years old, killed, stabbed, Chicago Av. and Wood St., by Julius A. Mengel, who was arrested. 32d Prect. Mengel was a non-union workman, and claimed that he was assaulted by two union strikers, of whom O'Connor was one, and that the stabbing was done in self-defense. He was held by Coroner's Jury Jan. 30, and discharged (No bill) by Grand Jury, Feb. 3.
Date of Offense: December 8, 1903
- Victim Name: Osuchowski, John
- DefendantName: McCarthy, John
- Address: Elston Av. & Bradley sts.
- Case Number: Elston Av. & Bradley sts.
- Case Description: Osuchowski, John, trunkmaker, shot dead, Elston Av. and Bradley Sts., by supposed strikers. Several arrests. 33d Prect. John McCarthy identified and held by Coroner's Jury. Peter Bozyoh, Stanley Rudiedy and Peterr Konieczka arrested and held as accessories. On March 27, 1904, Apolonia Starosta, a girl, 14 years old, confessed in Court that her former testimony was false and as she was the principal witness all the above prisoners were discharged on instion of Ass't. States Attorney Newcomer.
Date of Offense: July 26, 1877
- Victim Name: Polz, Henry
- DefendantName:
- Address: Halsted st. viaduct
- Case Number: Halsted st. viaduct
- Case Description: Polz, Henry, died, home, 709 S. May St., from pistol wound in left breast received during labor riot at Halsted St. viaduct, July 26, '77.
Date of Offense: January 3, 1904
- Victim Name: Pustma, John
- DefendantName: Lake, Charles
- Address: 11053 Michigan Av.
- Case Number: 11053 Michigan Av.
- Case Description: Pustma, John, fatally shot 11053 Michigan Av., by Charles Lake, who was asrrested. Lake was a non-union painter and had quarreled with Pustma over labor matters.
Date of Offense: May 10, 1905
- Victim Name: Pierce, George
- DefendantName: Waldorf, Fred T
- Address: 17th & Clark sts.
- Case Number: 17th & Clark sts.
- Case Description: Pierce, George, 22 yrs., teamster, fatally shot, died en route to hospital, by Fred T. Waldorf, who was escorting employees of Rothschild & Co. from their barn. shooting occurred at 17th and Clark Sts. Woldorf, who was arrested, claimed that Pierce attempted to assault him. 3d Prect.
Date of Offense: April 20, 1902
- Victim Name: Robinson, Lee
- DefendantName: Roologer, Bissett
- Address: 13 Polk st.
- Case Number: 13 Polk st.
- Case Description: Robinson, Lee, colored, proprietor of barber shop, 13 Polk St., shot dead at that place by Bissett Roologer, colored deaf mute, whom Robinson had discharged. Roologer arrested and held by Coroner's Jury April 21. Sentenced Jan. 21, 1903, by Judge McEwan to fourteen years in Joliet Penitentiary. 2d Prect.
Date of Offense: November 21, 1903
- Victim Name: Reichow, Emil
- DefendantName: Long, Charles
- Address: State & Polk sts.
- Case Number: State & Polk sts.
- Case Description: Reichow, Emil, strike picket of Franklin Union 4, of press feeders, shot dead at State and Polk Sts., by Charles Lang, foreman of R.R. Donnelly & Sons pressroom, who claimed that Reichow, in company with others, assaulted Lang and other employes of above named firm. Lang was arrested. 2d Prect. Lang held by Coroner's Jury Nov. 23, and discharged by Grand Jury Nov. term.
Date of Offense: August 19, 1904
- Victim Name: Ryan, Dennis
- DefendantName: Everett, Loney
- Address: Stockyards
- Case Number: Stockyards
- Case Description: Ryan, Dennis, died. Shot in strikers riot at Stock Yards Aug. 19. Leroy Everett, col'd., and seven others arrested. 19th Prect. Sonny Everett, John Gibson, John, Gallion, and Albert Johnson, all colored, arrested and held Aug. 26, by Coroner's Jury. Loney Everett sentenced Dec. 15 by Judge Tuthill to fourteen years in Joliet Penitentiary.
Date of Offense: June 10, 1905
- Victim Name: Rohiston, Samuel aka Rasmus
- DefendantName: Austin, Frank
- Address: 43rd & State st.
- Case Number: 43rd & State st.
- Case Description: Rohlston, [Rasmus] Samuel, 48 yrs., shot dead, 43d and State Sts., by Frank Austin, a newly appointed negro policeman, who fired into a crowd because someone shouted "scab" at the driver of one of A.M. Rothschild & Co's wagons which Austin was guarding. He was arrested . 11th Prect. Jury disagreed in Judge Kersten's court Sept. 13, 1905. Sentenced to Joliet Pen., Oct. 25, 1905, by Judge Tuley.
Date of Offense: May 5, 1905
- Victim Name: tatterbaum, Harry
- DefendantName: Grataski, John
- Address: 754 W 17th st
- Case Number: 754 W 17th st
- Case Description: Tatterbaum, Harry, 35 ys. old. Fatally shot at 754 W. 17th St. by person unknown who escaped. Labor troubles are said to have provoked the shooting. 23 prect. Vincent Karez, alias Anton Wolicki, John Grataski, Alex Wrobkowski and Boleslaw Nagawrecki arrested and held by coroner's jury May 20, '09. All four sentenced April 9, 1910, by Judge Tuthill to 25 years each in Joliet Pen.
Date of Offense: April 10, 1902
- Victim Name: Smith, Thomas W
- DefendantName: Woltschlauger, Charles
- Address: 12th st and Campbell
- Case Number: 12th st and Campbell
- Case Description: Smith, Thomas W., machinist (non union) assaulted by supposed strikers, 12th St. and Campbell Av., and died April 12. Charles Woltschlauger and Robert Dead arrested, but released by Coroner's Jury. Thomas Trinker arrested in Quincy, Ill., March 16, 1903.
Date of Offense: August 6, 1903
- Victim Name: Sweeney, Michael
- DefendantName: Weller, John C
- Address: Halsted and Monroe
- Case Number: Halsted and Monroe
- Case Description: Sweeney, Michael, shot dead, Halsted and Monroe Sts., by John C. Weller, a non-union sheet metal worker, whom Sweeney in company with two other strikers, had attacked. Weller arrested. 27th Prect. Held by Coroner's Jury Aug. 28, 1903. Discharged by Grand Jury, Sept. term, 1903.
Date of Offense: May 22, 1905
- Victim Name: turner, henry
- DefendantName: McCoy, Sanford C
- Address:
- Case Number:
- Case Description: Turner, Henry, colored, died. Struck with paving stone May 22, by Sanford C.McCoy, a colored contractor, 68 years old, in a quarrel over wages. McCoy held by Coroner's Jury May 30. 3d Prect. Sentenced to Joliet Penitentiary. Oct. 21, 1905, by Judge McEwan.
Date of Offense: July 27, 1877
- Victim Name: White, J.J.
- DefendantName:
- Address: Millard Av and 23rd st
- Case Number: Millard Av and 23rd st
- Case Description: White, J.J., shot dead on his doorstep, Millard Av. and 23d St., by an unknown man (supposed striker). White had been appointed to special officer during labor trouble.
Date of Offense: May 22, 1911
- Victim Name: Gentleman, William
- DefendantName: McAndrews, Ches
- Address: 166 No. State St.
- Case Number: 166 No. State St.
- Case Description: Gentleman, William, 28 yrs. fatally shot O'Malley's saloon 166 No. State St. by some unknown parties, due to labor troubles. Chas. McAndrews arrested. 1st Pct. Maurice Enright arrested and indicted by Grand Jury June 22. 10/21/18 - Enright N/P - Guerin.
Date of Offense: November 20, 1915
- Victim Name: Guszkowski, Michael
- DefendantName: Korach, Peter
- Address: S.W. Corner Wood and Division Sts
- Case Number: S.W. Corner Wood and Division Sts
- Case Description: Guszkowski, Michael, Age 23 - Fatally assaulted 11/20/15 at S.W. Corner Wood and Division Sts., by striking tailors. 11/29/15 Coroner held (Mans.) Alex Aranow (accy to Mans.) 3rd Pct. Peter Korach - 1/31/17 Acquitted Barrett. Alex Sowarsky 1/31/17 Acquitted - Barrett.Nick Lotosiki 1/31/17 Acquitted Barrett. Chas. Biegan 1/31/17 Acquitted - Barrett, Dec. 1915 No Bill.John Laynick 1/31/17 Acquitted Barrett. Andrew Chillo 1/31/17 Acquitted - Barrett. Dec. 1915 Nobill.
Date of Offense: June 8, 1912
- Victim Name: Mannon, Padrick
- DefendantName: Deluca, Frank
- Address: Polk and Clifton Sts.
- Case Number: Polk and Clifton Sts.
- Case Description: Hannon, Patrick, 31 yrs. fatally shot Polk & Clinton Sts. June 8th by Frank Deluca a non- union freight handler who was arrested. 21 Pct. 7/3/12 Held by Coroner. 9/1912, no bill.
Date of Offense: October 26, 1915
- Victim Name: Kapper, Sam
- DefendantName: Paniche, tony
- Address: Harison and Halsted
- Case Number: Harison and Halsted
- Case Description: Kapper, Sam, - Age 28 - Shot to death at Harrison & Halsted Sts., in shooting affray between union and non-union garment workers. Toney and Anna Paniche who were held pending Coroner's inquest released. Tony discharged 11/19/15 by Judge Mahoney. 27th Pct.
Date of Offense: June 17, 1912
- Victim Name: Mallory, John
- DefendantName:
- Address: 39 S. 5th ave.
- Case Number: 39 S. 5th ave.
- Case Description: Mallory, John. 40 yrs. Found shot to death in labor union hall 39 So. 5th Ave. 1st Prect. 6/27/12 Coroner's verdict: accidental shooting.
Date of Offense: April 11, 1913
- Victim Name: Edward, Paul
- DefendantName: Lund, Charles
- Address: 2731 Pine Grove Ave.
- Case Number: 2731 Pine Grove Ave.
- Case Description: Paul. Edw'd. 40 yrs. Shot dead 2731 Pine Grove Ave. - labor trouble - by Chas. D. Lund who escaped. 41 Pct. Lund surrendered and was exonerated by coroner's jury April 23, 1913.
Date of Offense: June 18, 1919
- Victim Name: Szikou, John
- DefendantName: Snedker, David Special Officer
- Address: 100 yds north of Blue Island Ave.
- Case Number: 100 yds north of Blue Island Ave.
- Case Description: Szikou, John - Age 45 - Fatally shot June 18th, 100 yards north of Blue Island Ave., during a riot of striking employes of Am. Car & Foundry Co., by Special Officer David Snedker, who, on 7/16 was held by the Coroner for manslaughter. 18 Pct. Sept. 1919 No Bill.
Date of Offense: October 8, 1919
- Victim Name: Snyder, Joseph J. alias Pasere
- DefendantName:
- Address: 45th & Loomis st.
- Case Number: 45th & Loomis st.
- Case Description: Snyder, Joseph J., alias Pazereskis, - Age 20 - Fatally shot near 45th & Loomis St. on I.J. R.R. tracks, either by police officers or during general fight among members of labor unions. On 10/17 Coroner's Verdict: "Justifiable Homicide." 14 Pct.
Date of Offense: May 25, 1920
- Victim Name: Scerland, John
- DefendantName: Lawrence, Rudolph
- Address: 1942 W. Kinzie st.
- Case Number: 1942 W. Kinzie st.
- Case Description: Scerland, John - Age 32 - Fatally shot 5/25/20 in front of 1942 W. Kinzie St., factory of Fred A. Snow, during a strike riot by Rudolph Lawrence, watchman, and Wm. Beck, who were exonerated by the Coroner as justifiable. 24 Pct.
Date of Offense: October 4, 1919
- Victim Name: Wendt, Frank
- DefendantName:
- Address:
- Case Number:
- Case Description: Wendt, Frank - Age 63 - Died from pneumonia, secondary to injuries received when beaten by a mob of strikers near the Deering plant. Assailant unknown. 20 Pct.
Date of Offense: April 5, 1922
- Victim Name: Borgstrom, Chester
- DefendantName: Saefeld, Charles S.
- Address: 4401 Roosevelt Rd.
- Case Number: 4401 Roosevelt Rd.
- Case Description: Borgstrom, Chester - Age 23 - Shot to death in office of the Jones Foundry Co., 4401 Roosevelt Rd., by Charles S. Saefeld, a discharged employee who also attempted to kill 3 others. Saefeld himself was killed by the plant supt., E.J. Powers. 21 Dist.
Date of Offense: July 21, 1922
- Victim Name: Fraser, Henry H.
- DefendantName:
- Address: 90th st. and the ICRR
- Case Number: 90th st. and the ICRR
- Case Description: Fraser, Henry H. - Age 19 - Fatally assaulted with a piece of pipe at 90th St. and the I.C.R.R. by some unknown striker or strikers who escaped. 6A Dist.
Date of Offense: August 3, 1922
- Victim Name: Johnson, Wm. R.
- DefendantName:
- Address: 109th & South Park ave.
- Case Number: 109th & South Park ave.
- Case Description: Johnson, Wm. R. - Age 42 - Fatally assaulted at 109th & South Park Ave. by four unknown men, supposed to be strikers, while on his way to work at the Burnside Shops of the I.C.R.R. 9 Dist.
Date of Offense: February 26, 1923
- Victim Name: Kinsella, Wm
- DefendantName: Green, Albert
- Address: 3420 Roosevelt
- Case Number: 3420 Roosevelt
- Case Description: Kinsella, Wm. - Age 23 - Shot to death at 3420 Roosevelt Rd. during a meeting of the Butchers? Union , by Albert Green, who, on 3/3/23, was held by the Coroner. 21 Dist. 1/30/24 - Acquitted - Williams.
Date of Offense: September 18, 1921
- Victim Name: Lane, Ernest
- DefendantName: Stoney, Frank
- Address:
- Case Number:
- Case Description: Lane, Ernest - Age 40 - Fatally shot 9/18/21 at 61st & Drexel Ave., while picketing a building during janitors? strike by the owner, Frank Stoney, who, on 9/21/21, was held by the Coroner. 6 Pct. On 9/18/21 Chas. Vaccaro and James Columbo were arrested as accessories but on 9/21/21 were exonerated by the Coroner. Oct. 1921 No bill.
Date of Offense: December 7, 1921
- Victim Name: Pike, George
- DefendantName:
- Address: 44th and Marshfield
- Case Number: 44th and Marshfield
- Case Description: Pike, or Pilch, George - Fatally shot 12/7/21 at 44th & Marshfield Ave., during strike riot at the packing houses, by some unknown person or persons who escaped. 13 Dist.
Date of Offense: August 26, 1927
- Victim Name: Braverman, Max
- DefendantName: John Russo
- Address: 2645 Roosevelt Rd.
- Case Number: 2645 Roosevelt Rd.
- Case Description: Braverman, Max - Age 45 - Fatally shot 3:15 PM, 8/26/27, in front of 2645 W. Roosevelt Rd., where a junk peddler's meeting was in progress, by Harry "Lefty" Lewis, Business Agt. For Junk Peddler's Union #787, and a crew of sluggers, when the peddlers, gathered to discuss the situation, refused to join the union. On 8/26/27 John Russo, Patrick J. Lavelle and Frank Smith were arrested. On 9/5/27 Harry Lewis and Patsy Pargoni were arrested. All were indicted and turned over to the Sheriff. 17 Dist. 10/1/27 Markus Looney booked - 12/1/27 Disch. - Ehler (Mun. Ct.) 11/18/27 - Lewis Acquitted - Karkowski. 11/23/27 - Pargoni, Russo, Smith and LaVelle cases stricken off - Brothers.
Date of Offense: February 9, 1928
- Victim Name: Ellis, James
- DefendantName: Elliot, Ross
- Address: Lumber and Halsted Sts.
- Case Number: Lumber and Halsted Sts.
- Case Description: Ellis, James � Age 41 � Colored � Shot to death at 6:35 AM, 2/9/25, at a loading platform of the Omaha Packing Co. Lumber and Halsted Sts., by Ross Elliott who harbored an old grudge against Ellis after his discharge last October. In his get-away Elliott killed Charles Miller. He escaped to his brother�s home, 131 E. 35th St., where, at 1:40 PM, he shot and killed Lt. Edw. Murphy and Patrolman Eugene J. Keegan while resisting arrest. See above. 21 Dist.
Date of Offense: August 20, 1930
- Victim Name: Mulcahy, Chas. J.
- DefendantName: Charles Stein
- Address:
- Case Number:
- Case Description: Mulcahy, Chas. J. - Age 45 - Deceased and Barney Ruberry, both business agents of the Plumber�s Union, were fatally shot at 3:35 PM, 8/20/30, at the S.W. corner of Addison St. and Western Ave., where the new Lane Tech. High School is under construction, by �some unknown person or persons� who fired at them thru a window as they approached a construction shanty. Two men were observed escaping in an auto belonging to the John Carl Stein Co., Plumbing Contractors, who had had trouble with the union. On 8/27/30 Charles Stein and Albert Courchene, of that concern, were surrendered by their attorney at the DB. On advice of counsel they refused to make a statement there as well as at the inquest, but it was intimated they would claim self-defense if brought to trial. Failure of identification brought them release at the inquest on 8/28/30 and for the same reason the case was nolle prossed 10/23/30 by Judge Lyle. 39 Dist.