Case Number: 437

Carlsbronx, C.J. 3# years old, blacksmith, died in Washington Park Hospital. Assaulted April 19, at Princeton Av. and 31st St., by supposed union pickets. Paul Borsian and John Rose arrested. 6th Prect. borsian released on writ of habeas corpus, May 1, by Judge Chystraus. Charles Gilhooley, Charles J. Casey, Henry J. Newman, George Miller, Edward Farley, and Mark Looney arrested, 10th Prect. Frank Novak arrested May 14. Charles Casey arrested and held without bail as accessory, May 15. Coroner's verdict death from pneumonia. Above parties held for conspiracy and assault. (Not Murder, died of Pneumonia) (See Clipping book Vol. 10, page 97) (Novak indictment quashed, March 30, 1907).


Date of Offense April 19, 1905
Date of Death April 28, 1905
Time Between Offense and Death Longer than 1 week
Address Princeton Ave. & 31st St.
Type of Location Street, or other non-commercial public place/alley
Type of Public Place Street, sidewalk or alley
Location Description Princeton Ave. 31st St.
Description Labor dispute, strike
Total Number of Victims 1
Civil Unrest Union Pickets
Location Princeton Ave. 31st St.
Number of Defendants 2
Circumstances Related to Civil Unrest Yes
Type of Civil Unrest Strike or picketing


Name Carlsbrony, C.J.
Gender Male
Race White
Employed Yes
VictimEmploymentType Employed, skilled (butcher, electrician, cab drivers, street car, etc.)
Ethnicity Other, european
Name of Hospital Where Victim Was Taken Washington Park Hosp


Name Borsian, Paul
Gender Male
Ethnicity Other, european
Race White
Employed Yes
Employment Type Outside labor force (incl. criminals)


Precinct 6
Allegations of Police Corruption No
Date Defendant Arrested 28-Apr-05
Total Number of Defendants Arrested 9


Outcome of Coroner's Judgment Defendant held to Grand Jury
Charges Against Defendant No
Trial Judge Chytraus
Type of Legal Decision Recorded Coroner's verdict only
Allegations of Police Corruption No
Date of Sentence May 1, 1905
Outcome of Grand Jury Decision Indictment, other homicide, homicide unspecified
Outcome of Trial Dismissed