Photograph of Police Lieutenant, Augustus White
Chicago Daily News, Inc., photographer.
Created/Published 1917 Jan. 9.
Summary Image of a photograph of Augustus M. White, a police lieutenant. White used his pocket memorandum (green book), to record which resorts in the West Lake Street district were friendly or unfriendly to police in a corruption ring. The green book was important evidence in the trial. Eight police officers, including White himself, and Chief of Police Healey were arrested on charges of bribery and protection of vice and crime. This image was taken in Chicago, Illinois.
Notes This photonegative taken by a Chicago Daily News photographer was published in the newspaper on January 9, 1917.
Cite as: DN-0067524, Chicago Daily News negatives collection, Chicago Historical Society. Reproduction Number: DN-0067524 Digital ID: ichicdn n067524