Trumbull Murder Case, Simon Hogan, Alleged Murderer, Sitting in a Room
Chicago Daily News, Inc., photographer.
Created/Published 1914 Aug. 17
Summary Portrait of Simon Hogan, an African American accused of murdering Cottage Grove Station police officer George Trumbull at 26th and South State Streets. Hogan held siege against 52 policemen for two hours after the murder before he surrendered. He is sitting in a chair in front of a standing police officer and an unidentified man. Hogan’s right hand is bandaged. This image was taken in Chicago, Illinois.
Notes This photonegative taken by a Chicago Daily News photographer may have been published in the newspaper.
Cite as: DN-0063348, Chicago Daily News negatives collection, Chicago Historical Society Reproduction Number: DN-0063348 Digital ID: ichicdn n063348
Case number: 5285