Mayor Harrison following through after throwing a baseball on the field at Comiskey Park
Chicago Daily News, Inc., photographer.
Created/Published 1913
Summary Informal full-length portrait of Mayor Harrison following through after throwing a baseball on to the field, standing in the first row of grandstands at Comiskey Park, which was located at 324 West 35th Street and bounded by West 34th Street, South Shield’s Avenue (formerly Portland Avenue), and South Wentworth Avenue in the Armour Square community area of Chicago, Illinois. Crowds are sitting and standing in the grandstands, and two men are standing on the field in front of the grandstands.
Notes This photonegative taken by a Chicago Daily News photographer may have been published in the newspaper.
Cite as: SDN-058221, Chicago Daily News negatives collection, Chicago Historical Society. Reproduction Number: SDN-058221 Digital ID: ichicdn s058221