Case Number: 9430

Auer, Barbara - Age 29 - Death due to a criminal abortion performed by some unknown person at unknown place. Arrest of guilty procurer for murder recommended 9/30/29 by the Coroner. 36 Dist.


Date of Death September 28, 1929
Type of Death Accident
Description Illegal abortion
Total Number of Victims 1
Type of Accident Death from abortion


Name Auer, Barbara
Age 29 years
Gender Female
Race White
Ethnicity Other, eastern european



Precinct 5
Allegations of Police Corruption No
Date Defendant Arrested 11-Oct-29


Date of Coroner's Decision September 30, 1929
Outcome of Coroner's Judgment Recommended investigation/arrest
Charges Against Defendant No
Type of Legal Decision Recorded None
Allegations of Police Corruption No