Case Number: 886
Hoffman, Mrs. Elmer, murdered, throat cut. 41st and State Sts., by her husband, who committed suicide by cutting his own throat. She died in Mercy Hospital and he in Co. Hosp.
Date of Offense | August 24, 1889 |
Date of Death | August 24, 1889 |
Address | 41st and State st. |
Type of Death | Homicide |
Type of Homicide | Intentional murder |
Method of Killing | Other stabbing, stabbing unspecified |
Weapon | throat cut |
Motive | husband killed wife then suicide |
Description | Domestic violence |
Total Number of Victims | 1 |
Name | Hoffman, Mrs. Elmer |
Gender | Female |
Race | White |
Ethnicity | Other, european |
Name of Hospital Where Victim Was Taken | Mercy Hospital |
Related by Blood or Marriage | Spouses |
Name | Hoffman, Elmer |
Gender | Male |
Race | White |
Related by Blood or Marriage | Spouses |
Allegations of Police Corruption | No |
Defendant Identified at Scene | Defendant identified by someone else at scene |
Total Number of Defendants Arrested | 1 |
Charges Against Defendant | No |
Type of Legal Decision Recorded | None |
Allegations of Police Corruption | No |