Case Number: 5705

Bullard, alias Bullen, James - Age 35 - Shot to death in front of 2349 Cottage Grove Ave., by Sergt. Michael Grady and Officer Ernest Daliege, when he drew a revolver to resist arrest. On 10/17/21 the officers were exonerated by the Coroner. 2 Dist.


Date of Offense October 15, 1921
Date of Death October 15, 1921
Time Between Offense and Death Immediate - death occurred at the crime scene
Address 2349 Cottage Grove Ave
Type of Location Street, or other non-commercial public place/alley
Type of Public Place Street, sidewalk or alley
Location Description In front of 2349 Cottage Grove Ave
Description Victim killed resisting arrest
Total Number of Victims 1
Location In front of 2349 Cottage Grove Ave
Number of Defendants 2


Name Bullard, James; alias: Bullen
Age 35 years
Gender Male
Race White
Ethnicity English-Anglo


Name Grady, Michael, Sergt.
Gender Male
Ethnicity Irish
Race White
Employed Yes
Employment Type Employed, professional (incl. police and military)
Occupation/ Skill Law Enforcement, Police


Precinct 2
Allegations of Police Corruption No
Defendant Identified at Scene No


Date of Coroner's Decision October 17, 1921
Outcome of Coroner's Judgment Exonerated, Commended
Type of Legal Decision Recorded Coroner's verdict only
Allegations of Police Corruption No