Case Number: 4710

Patrulas, Wm. 27 yrs. Fatally assaulted & died May 26th on a Blue Island Ave. Car at Washburn Ave. by Wm. Beyers the Motorman, who struck him with Controller. Held by Coroner 6/15/12 for Manslaughter. 21 Pct. 12-3-18 - Acquitted - McDonald.


Date of Offense May 26, 1912
Date of Death May 26, 1912
Time Between Offense and Death Immediate - death occurred at the crime scene
Address Washburn Ave.
Type of Location Vehicle
Location Description Blue Island Ave. Carat Washburn Ave.
Type of Death Manslaughter
Total Number of Victims 1
Location Blue Island Ave. Carat Washburn Ave.
Number of Defendants 1
Type of Manslaughter Unintentional killing, other


Name Patrulas, Wm.
Age 27 years
Gender Male
Race White
Ethnicity Other, eastern european


Name Beyers, William
Gender Male
Ethnicity English-Anglo
Race White
Employed Yes
Employment Type Employed, semi-skilled (factory operative etc.)
Killed While Protecting Person Protecting self
Occupation/ Skill Cab driver, street car driver, wagon driver


Precinct 21
Allegations of Police Corruption No
Arrest Made at Crime Scene Yes
Defendant Identified at Scene No
Time Between Crime and Arrest Days
Total Number of Defendants Arrested 1


Date of Coroner's Decision June 15, 1912
Outcome of Coroner's Judgment Defendant held to Grand Jury
Charges Against Defendant No
Trial Judge McDonald
Type of Legal Decision Recorded Coroner, trial
Jury Verdict Yes
Allegations of Police Corruption No
Date of Sentence December 3, 1918
Outcome of Trial Acquitted