Case Number: 3436

Dymil, Stanley - Age 20 - Died from injuries received at 1757 W. 47th St., when he was assaulted by one Mike Pazinski, who, on Dec. 28 was held by the Coroner. 20 Pct. 12/8/19 - s/o - Kersten.


Date of Offense December 15, 1917
Date of Death December 15, 1917
Time Between Offense and Death Immediate - death occurred at the crime scene
Address 1757 W. 47th
Type of Location Residence
Location Description 1757 W. 47th
Type of Death Manslaughter
Description Fight
Total Number of Victims 1
Location 1757 W. 47th
Number of Defendants 1
Type of Manslaughter Unintentional killing, other
Type of Residence Residence (Don't know whose)


Name Dymil, Stanley
Age 20 years
Gender Male
Race White
Ethnicity Polish


Name Mike Pazinski
Gender Male
Ethnicity Polish
Race White


Precinct 20
Allegations of Police Corruption No
Date Defendant Arrested 28-Dec-17
Time Between Crime and Arrest Weeks
Total Number of Defendants Arrested 1


Date of Coroner's Decision December 28, 1917
Outcome of Coroner's Judgment Defendant held to Grand Jury
Trial Judge Kersten
Type of Legal Decision Recorded Coroner, trial
Jury Verdict Yes
Allegations of Police Corruption No
Date of Sentence December 8, 1919
Number of Times Case Stricken Off 1
Outcome of Trial Stricken off