Case Number: 25

Amundson, Alfred, 24 years old, shot dead, 361 Austin Av., by Adolph Nelson, a carpenter contractor. The men quarreled over wages due Amundson from Nelson, who was arrested, 32nd Prect. He was sentenced to fourteen years in Joliet Pen. Dec. 28, by Judge Waterman.


Date of Offense May 27, 1899
Date of Death May 27, 1899
Time Between Offense and Death Immediate - death occurred at the crime scene
Address 361 Austin Av.
Type of Death Homicide
Type of Homicide Intentional murder
Characteristics quarrel over wages
Method of Killing Other gun, gun unspecified
Weapon shot dead
Motive Quarreled over wages
Victim Initiated Events Leading to Homicide Yes
Description Dispute over money or property, quarrel
Total Number of Victims 1
Number of Defendants 1
Related to Organized Crime


Name Amundson, Alfred
Age 24 years
Gender Male
Race White
Employed Yes
VictimEmploymentType Employed, skilled (butcher, electrician, cab drivers, street car, etc.)
Ethnicity Other, european
Occupation/ Skill Other, skilled laborer


Name Nelson, Adolph
Gender Male
Ethnicity Other, european
Race White
Employed Yes
Employment Type Employed, skilled (butcher, electrician, cab drivers, street car, etc.)
Occupation/ Skill Carpenter contractor


Precinct 32
Allegations of Police Corruption No
Arrest Made at Crime Scene Yes
Location of Arrest 361 Austin Av.
Time Between Crime and Arrest Less than 1 day
Total Number of Defendants Arrested 1


Trial Judge Waterman
Type of Legal Decision Recorded Coroner, grand jury, trial, and post conviction
Allegations of Police Corruption No
Length of Sentence 14 years
Outcome of Trial Guilty, unspecified offense
Sentenced to Joliet, Stateville