Case Number: 19

Athensaphos, Christopher, fatally stabbed, Grand Av., and Noble St., by John Lambracos, who was arrested and held to Grand Jury.


Date of Offense June 10, 1895
Date of Death June 10, 1895
Address Grand Ave. & Noble sts.
Location Description Grand Ave. & Noble st.
Type of Death Homicide
Type of Homicide Intentional murder
Method of Killing Other stabbing, stabbing unspecified
Weapon fatally stabbed
Motive fatally stabbed
Total Number of Victims 1
Location Grand Ave. & Noble st.
Number of Defendants 1


Name Athensaphos, Christopher
Gender Male
Race White
Ethnicity Greek


Name Lambracos, John
Gender Male
Ethnicity Greek
Race White


Allegations of Police Corruption No
Total Number of Defendants Arrested 1


Outcome of Coroner's Judgment Defendant held to Grand Jury
Type of Legal Decision Recorded Grand jury only
Allegations of Police Corruption No