Case Number: 10

Avery, M.D., 40 yrs., stabbed to death, 62nd and Morgan Sts., by Louis Dyckman, who was arrested.


Date of Offense September 13, 1890
Date of Death September 13, 1890
Time Between Offense and Death Immediate - death occurred at the crime scene
Address 62nd and Morgan sts.
Location Description 62nd and Moran sts.
Type of Death Homicide
Type of Homicide Intentional murder
Method of Killing Other stabbing, stabbing unspecified
Weapon stabbed to death
Total Number of Victims 1
Location 62nd and Moran sts.
Number of Defendants 1


Name Avery, M.D.
Age 40 years
Race White
Ethnicity Other, european


Name Dyckman, Louis
Gender Male


Allegations of Police Corruption No
Time Between Crime and Arrest Less than 1 day
Total Number of Defendants Arrested 1


Allegations of Police Corruption No