Case Number: 4550

Modrzejewski, Mary - Age 34 - Shot to death at 3117 Normal Ave., by her husband, John , who on 9/22/20 was held by the Coroner. 15 Pct. 11/19/20 - to Joliet Pen. - Sullivan.


Date of Offense September 22, 1930
Date of Death September 22, 1920
Time Between Offense and Death Immediate - death occurred at the crime scene
Address 3117 Normal Ave.
Type of Death Manslaughter
Description Domestic violence
Total Number of Victims 1
Number of Defendants 1
Type of Manslaughter Domestic violence


Name Modrzejewski, Mary
Age 34 years
Gender Female
Race White
Ethnicity Polish


Name Modrzejewski, John
Gender Male
Ethnicity Polish
Race White
Related by Blood or Marriage Spouses


Precinct 15
Allegations of Police Corruption No
Date Defendant Arrested 22-Sep-20
Time Between Crime and Arrest Less than 1 day
Total Number of Defendants Arrested 1


Date of Coroner's Decision September 22, 1920
Outcome of Coroner's Judgment Defendant held to Grand Jury
Trial Judge Sullivan
Type of Legal Decision Recorded Coroner, trial
Jury Verdict Yes
Allegations of Police Corruption No
Date of Sentence November 19, 1920
Outcome of Grand Jury Decision Indictment, other homicide, homicide unspecified
Outcome of Trial Guilty, unspecified offense
Sentenced to Joliet, Stateville