Case Number: 3350

Duyer, Margaret L. 24 yrs. Died May 23d at Englewood Union Hospital from abortion performed by Mrs. Paulina Lindenson who was held by Coroner 5/24/12. 17 Pct. 7/19/12 No bill by G.J.


Date of Offense May 23, 1912
Date of Death May 24, 1912
Time Between Offense and Death Immediate - death occurred at the crime scene
Type of Location Medical facility (Hospital, doctor's office, clinic) Midwife, Abortion place
Location Description Englewood Union Hospital
Type of Death Accident
Description Illegal abortion
Total Number of Victims 1
Location Englewood Union Hospital
Number of Defendants 1
Type of Accident Death from abortion


Name Duyer, Margaret L.
Age 24 years
Gender Female
Race White
Ethnicity Irish
Name of Hospital Where Victim Was Taken Englewood Union


Name Paulina, Lindenson
Gender Female
Ethnicity Other, european
Race White
Employed Yes
Employment Type Employed, professional (incl. police and military)


Precinct 24
Allegations of Police Corruption No
Date Defendant Arrested 18-Apr-19
Defendant Identified at Scene No
Time Between Crime and Arrest Days
Total Number of Defendants Arrested 1


Date of Coroner's Decision May 14, 1912
Outcome of Coroner's Judgment Defendant held to Grand Jury
Charges Against Defendant No
Type of Legal Decision Recorded Coroner's verdict and grand jury
Allegations of Police Corruption No
Date of Grand Jury Decision July 19, 1912
Outcome of Grand Jury Decision Indictment for felony murder